Intimidad Política
Pulsanda in Continue, tibi dante nos licentiam ad mitteret emails de nostris promissis. Si non vis accipere amplius emails, semper potes excedere in omni tempore in imo de quavis email.
Il Software respetta la privacy de ciascuno individuo chi visite nostre siti internet. Questo declaration de privacy provide avviso de le norme e i termini arosso i quali Il Software protegge la privacy de infomazioni fornite da visitatori a siti sul World Wide Web chi sono posseduti e gestiti da Il Software, inclusi Il Software e Il Software. Questo declaration de privacy provide avviso de nostre pratiche de raccolta de informazioni e de modi in cui tu informazioni possono essere usate. Questo politics può cambiare da tempo a tempo, qua qua de tempi in volta per rivedere queste informazioni.
A. Personally-Identifiable Information:
The Software typically receives specific data about its website visitors only when such information is provided voluntarily, such as when our visitors request information, purchase or enroll for services, open a customer support inquiry ticket, provide resume information for employment opportunities, or send us e-mail. Of course, some of these activities require that you give us information, such as when you make a purchase, use a credit card to pay for services, submit your resume, or request certain types of information. When you provide personally-identifiable information to The Software through one of our websites, it will be used to fulfill your specific request. In most cases, you will be given the opportunity to select whether you do, or do not, want The Software to use this information for additional purposes. The Software reserves the right, in its discretion, to send you bulletins and other important information about your The Software services. Absent any instructions from you, The Software may use information you provide to inform you about additional services and products offered by the The Software family of companies, The Software authorized agents, and other goods and services providers with whom The Software has relationships and whose offerings might be of interest to you.
B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:
In general, The Software gathers some generic information automatically. Generic information does not reveal the identity of the visitor. It usually includes information about the Internet address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors, and the The Software sites visited. The Software gathers this information for the limited purpose of determining customer service and website needs. We accomplish this by using certain technologies, including “0f3ookies0f1” (a technology that can be used to provide the visitor with tailored information about The Software services). The Software does not combine information collected in this way with any personally-identifiable information. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and you can refuse it.
C. Tua Software hospes website, server, tabulae, forum, Tertium Sites:
Informatio quod vos discooperio in publicus spatium, includo in any bulletin tabula, chat room, or website The Software may host vos ut pars of tuus The Software services, is available to quisquam alius who visito ille spatium. The Software non possum custodio any information vos discooperio in these locatio. Adde, The Software websites contineo links to sites that belong to third parties unrelated to The Software. The Software non possum protego any information vos may discooperio in these sites et suadeo ut vos review the privacy policy affirmatio of ille sites vos visito.
D. Excemptiones et Limitationes:
Ad cotrastent lus ante e in conformitá con le leges applicabiles, Le Software cooperat plenemente con le autoritá statal, local e federal in qualcunque investigation relative a qualcunque contento (includente communicationes electronic personal o private transmittite a Le Software) o activitates presumibile illegal de ulle usator del servitio, e prende mesuras rationabile pro proteger su derectos proprie. Pro le limitate scopos de realisation de tal cooperation e mesuras e in conformitá con le leges applicabile, Le Software pote esser obligate a revelar informationes personalmente identificabile. In ultra, Le Software pote eliger a monitorar le zonas de communication de ulle type pro satisfacer ulle lege, regulation, o petition governamental; si tal revelation es necesse o appropriato pro operar Le Software; o pro proteger le derectos o proprietá de Le Software o alteres. In connexion con le potential venda o transferentia de ulle de su interesse in Le Software e Le Software e altere sitos possedite per le compania, Le Software reserva le derecto a vender o transferer tu informationes (includente, ma non limitate a nomine, information de adresse, e altere informationes fornite a Le Software) a un tertie parte que concentra su negocio in productos o servitios de communication; consente a esser le successor in interesse de Le Software in relation con le mantenentia e protection de informationes colligite e mantenite per Le Software; e consente a le obligationes de iste declaration de politica.